Sunday, May 12, 2013

A Californian in New York...and Anywhere Else

"Where are you from?"

That question can evoke a myriad of responses, all of them true. When I was in California, I would say that I was from San Diego. When I was in Philadelphia, I'd say that I was from California. When I was overseas, I'd say I was from America. I would change my answers based on my present location.

Having been abroad and having been fortunate to meet a variety of wonderful people from all over the world, I am always a bit surprised by their reaction from where I say I'm from. If I say "America," it is usually not a good enough answer.

"Where in the US?" they inquire.

"California," I answer.

And here is where I usually get that first spark of interest, that little flash of recognition in their eyes. Here is where there's usually some comment about how amazing/awesome/cool/great California is. I don't disagree so I smile with acknowledged pride.

It can even happen among other Americans.

"Oh, where in California?" those that are a bit more savvy ask.

"I'm from San Diego," I reply.

And here is where there's usually a more lustful look that crosses their faces. I can see what they are imagining in their mind's eye. Sunshine for days, clear skies, a hint of a breeze. A little slice of heaven.

They proceed to tell me about a sister/brother/cousin/mother who lives out there are just. loves. it. And how they think I'm crazy for ever leaving. I don't disagree, so I smile and acknowledge their comment.

But it isn't just about a name. I've never in my life felt more Californian. I wouldn't have thought much of it, except that it is constantly pointed out to me. I'm too smiley, I'm too thankful, I'm too "bubbly." And I guess I say "like" an awful lot.

But I take all of these in stride and own them, because it has been to my luck, and good planning on the part of my parents, that I am able to call California home.  My first home. And San Diego, my truest love. It is a wonderful feeling that I am forever am to claim these places as my own and, for better and worse, they have informed and shaped my life and who I am.

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